Walking on the street in Berlin, we saw this sign: "BUY VINTAGE BY THE KILO", which meant buying cloth by its weight. How interesting. When we passed the same store the second time the same afternoon, I took a photo of it( show as in this post). What does this store remind me of? It … Continue reading Selling by Kilo
Before the Birth of Anton
Anton was born on 21st Feb, on the day when he was 35 weeks plus one day old. In the early morning of the 20th Feb, on my way to my morning ashtanga practice, "Yang" came into my mind: my partner and I have been searching for names for our son, and we still need … Continue reading Before the Birth of Anton
Happy Birthing Workshop
As first time parents-to-be, my partner and I both became a little bit worried two weeks ago, when we bought our first set of pyjamas for our little son who is going to be born in about 5 weeks: we opened the pyjama package home, we looked at them, then we were discussing that maybe … Continue reading Happy Birthing Workshop
This is an Asian flavour homemade dish, we named it Hedgehog because the Glutinous rice coded at the end leave the finished dish the looking of a Hedgehog. You can be creative about its shape so there can be any name for it, which can add much more fun to your kitchen especially when you in … Continue reading Hedgehog
Chef’s Favourite
The best BBQ steak our chef and I have had so far: The finished dish looks juicy, crispy outside, pink inside. Tender meat which suits for from kids to older generations. Side dish can be some BBQ vegetable, or simply a tasty salad of your choice. Ice cream dessert is recommend Ingredients: 9 weeks matured … Continue reading Chef’s Favourite
Yoga & Love
There has been thousands articles which explaining the importance of doing yoga for human's well-being, and all the yogis out there are samples of it. However, the start is always hard, we donot know where/how to start; more importantly, we just do not get the point as ourselves until finally we experienced it ourselves. I … Continue reading Yoga & Love
Wisdom is required to understand wisdom
Unconditional Love When I first heard this in my first Akashic Record Reading workshop (December 2016), I couldn't stop wondering what kind of workshop I was in In my later personal practice, I often also explain that things happen for reasons, every incident happening exactly at the right time, at the perfect place Love always is … Continue reading Wisdom is required to understand wisdom
My understanding about yoga
Yoga: The longer I practise Yoga, the less I think I know about it If you ask me what Yoga is, I do not have an answer -- it is about life, maybe Asana is to: In the early years of my Yoga practice, I thought Asana was everything in Yoga Many times after I … Continue reading My understanding about yoga
Morden Love
I donot care about the story behind it If this is love, I donot want to have nothing to do with it On 3rd July, we reached back to our flat and found that a pigeon has lay two eggs in a nest by our balcony Both the pigeon and my partner were surprised and … Continue reading Morden Love
Black Energy
Until this morning, I believed that there was so called ‘black energy’ existing in this world Then I realised that I was wrong: there is no such thing called ‘black’, nor ‘white’ energy, they are transferrable, together they are one I visited my secret room this morning, I have some questions for the little girl. … Continue reading Black Energy