In the third year of the world wide pandemic, our entire family is officially unemployed. And we are going on a three-week sailing trip. With the two kids. Watch our intro to find out why (click on the featured image).
Tag: introduction
Wisdom is required to understand wisdom
Unconditional Love When I first heard this in my first Akashic Record Reading workshop (December 2016), I couldn't stop wondering what kind of workshop I was in In my later personal practice, I often also explain that things happen for reasons, every incident happening exactly at the right time, at the perfect place Love always is … Continue reading Wisdom is required to understand wisdom
My understanding about yoga
Yoga: The longer I practise Yoga, the less I think I know about it If you ask me what Yoga is, I do not have an answer -- it is about life, maybe Asana is to: In the early years of my Yoga practice, I thought Asana was everything in Yoga Many times after I … Continue reading My understanding about yoga
My introduction to Germany
The longer I lived in Berlin, the less I think I know about Germany Germany is the saver for this world However, Germany is not that generous to its own people as I thought before