Anton was born on 21st Feb, on the day when he was 35 weeks plus one day old.
In the early morning of the 20th Feb, on my way to my morning ashtanga practice, “Yang” came into my mind: my partner and I have been searching for names for our son, and we still need a middle name for him. Then our son’s name is decided, Anton Yang.
The same day in the afternoon, we went to my woman doctor for routine check, and I told her that I had the feeling that our son would being born before the due date. But our woman doctor reassured us that, everything was okay and we needed not to worry.
4 am in the morning of 21st Feb, I thought I found that my water broke, but I was not sure and rather embarrassed. 5 am, I wake my partner up, but we stayed in bed until after 6 am. I text Gabi, “I think my water might broke, what should we do, any suggestion?” My partner called our midwife for advice, and the answer was not clear. Gabi called back and advised us to not to panic but staying home to rest, because what was happening might meant nothing. At that point, none of us thought the birth was actually happening, it was slightly too early after all. Then I remembered Jutta, and I phoned her at around 8 am. Jutta asked me one question after heard mine, “which week are you in?”, then she gave us the clear instruction, “pack your bag, and go to the hospital now.”
Then I had my morning tea, and my partner started to pack the hospital bag. We managed to reach the hospital at 10 am. After hearing our story the second time, the first time was on the phone, we were put in the waiting room for checking up and we met our doctor at 2 pm for the first official check. It was then it was confirmed that, Anton is coming!!!